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Most boats experience a wide range of temperature and humidity changes, from cool, damp nights to hot, dry days in the sun. This causes contraction and expansion which takes a toll on the gelcoat and timbers. Add in salt air, pollution, dirt, and bird droppings, and your prized possession will start to deteriorate. A modest investment in a cover will help prevent fading and oxidising of the gelcoat, bleaching and cracking of timbers, along with mildew and mold. A cover will also keep your valuable equipment from theft, because what’s out of sight is out of mind.

Why invest in a Boat Cover?

What type of cover do you need?

Storage vs. Trailer: Storage covers fit more loosely and are used mainly for protecting boats at at the dock,  at anchor, or when stored on the trailer. They range from a simple tarpaulin to a custom framed canopy. Trailer covers however must be fitted well and reinforced in areas of high wear in order to withstand the rigors of traveling at highway speeds.

For further advice or to arrange for a quote please call or email Paul on our CONTACT page.

Why invest in a Boat Cover?

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